Tracy Matthes is a garden diviner, finding each garden’s inherent and natural beauty by using her diverse background in habitat restoration, soil science, organic practices, endemic and beneficial plant knowledge, and an innate design sense.
Her education includes a degree in physical geography, and graduate studies in environmental sciences. Her experience also includes natural hazard assessment, geospatial software design, GIS and cartography.
She has been a Master Gardener for over a decade, and designing gardens and interiors for over 20 years.
While working on residential edible, native, drought tolerant landscapes, she has also volunteered at public and private school gardens designing hardscaping, layout, and curriculum.
From garden planning; layout; design; integrating edibles, pollinators, and beneficials into existing gardens; water conservation and best practices; soil science and analysis; aesthetic pruning; designing fencing, decks and other elements of hardscapes; exterior lighting design; container gardens, and project management, Tracy finds the elements that suits each client's aesthetic and unique site location needs.
Her focus is on creating beautiful, organic, sustainable landscapes with respect for the existing landscape and her client’s aesthetic and functional needs.